This week we have been learning about Wiki's. I have to admit initially I didn't know what they were but as I read on realised that I use Wikipedia all of the time. Wiki's are an extremely useful tool and I had great fun exploring the Learning 2.0 Basics suggested site of the Twilight Saga..
I like the way you can search for Wiki's on your favourite topics. For instance, I love photography so I did a search on Photopedia and came up with This is a great Wiki that acts as a collaborative photo encyclopedia and online community for all those photography buffs.
I also did a search on True Blood wikipedia and found a most comprehensive and accurate account of one of my most favourite programmes. It is amazing how much information we can find on the internet. Gone are the days of leafing through mum's old brown encylopedias, world of wiki has it all.
I'm up to question # 7 facebook and twitter. The best part so far for me was the Wiki question, it was more interesting than I thought.
I admire your postive attitude in doing the Web 2.0 course. It has been a learning curve for me through the course! Looking forward to doing the last two lessons soon.